Speaking Fit-ly

My "Biggest Loser Fitness Challenge" Experience

Obesity–A Disease

First of all I want to apologize for not keeping up the updates. I have gotten a bit lazy lately with my writing (which I know is not a good excuse, but it’s the truth).

I am here to present a brief observation and give a few thoughts on it, but hopefully I will be able to write more in depth on this subject throughout the week. It is one thing that I think DESPERATELY needs to be addressed in my country and around the world in countries that use processed food.


I get ridiculously hungry on days when I work out because my body needs nutrients. I start eating with good intentions, and it would be fine if I dove right into a hearty helping of lean meat and veggies. However, ironically, my cravings kick in the most on these days and oftentimes my workout days also become binge days.


Short answer, I’m addicted to junk food. I want SO badly to eat right, but I get a craving for chips or a corn dog and the pull is almost too great to resist.

Notice people rarely get an irresistible craving for broccoli or asparagus. Why is that? Well for one thing, they are painted by entertainment as being gross and detestable, which needs to change. Secondly, they’re just real, honest-to-goodness foods. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Kraft Mac ‘n’ Cheese is not a real food. Neither is a Twinkie or a Krispy Kreme doughnut.

Our food is not pure, and therefore it is making us sick. The sicknesses that most often result from a “fake food” diet are obesity, stomach problems, diabetes, cancer, heart disease… and the list could go on and on.

So let me ask everyone a question, myself included–WHY are we still doing this to ourselves??

This is my challenge to all of us this week–substitute a vegetable or fruit for ONE junk food indulgence every day this week. Just one. I’m not a fan of the cold turkey approach and I’m not asking anyone else to take that, either. I’m just saying that if you’re craving a french fry, substitute an apple. (or even sweet potato fries. They’re awesome and have 50% of your daily Vitamin A!)

Obesity is the one of the few diseases that you can actually cure yourself of. Don’t you want to do it? Even if you’re not sick yet, but not eating healthy, you need to cure yourself of these addictive eating habits. They will come back to haunt you later.

I’m taking the N.L. fitness challenge this week! Are you?
