Speaking Fit-ly

My "Biggest Loser Fitness Challenge" Experience

Stan-1, Me-0

on April 23, 2012

I got my butt kicked today. Like, severely. Like, I was about to SCREAM, severely.

It didn’t help that I was tired and lethargic to begin with. I had eaten horribly on Sunday and let me tell you, it came back to bite me today. My energy was at level zero and I ended up almost puking up my breakfast (I know, lovely information right?).

We did pretty much the same exercises we always do today, so I’ll jump right into my fitness tips–

1. Pick your splurges wisely. Yesterday I ate practically nothing but junk and called it a “splurge.” What it really was was giving my body the finger (sorry if anyone’s offended by that, but there’s no other way to describe it). Splurges are cheat MEALS, not cheat DAYS, especially the day before a workout.

2. Don’t be afraid to sweat. I have a distaste for sweat just like every other red-blooded female on the planet, but sweating is the only pathway to freedom from obesity.

3. Don’t think you can lose weight AND LOOK GOOD by just dieting. Diet is (supposedly) 80% of weight loss, but that other 20% is crucial if you want a bod like that model on your favorite workout video. Muscle is sexy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Will be back with more on Wednesday 🙂


4 responses to “Stan-1, Me-0

  1. Muscle is sexy… I didnt eat well yesterday and am about to hit the gym. I hope I dont hurl, either. 😉

  2. "Tami" says:

    The model on the workout video is an air-brushed, nipped and tucked marketing tool. Don’t try to look like her, just strive to be the healthiest that YOU can be. You’re being honest with yourself about the food intake, and that’s HUGE! You might try the three bites rule: the first bite of the splurge food is heavenly, the second is good, and the third just average. Apparently, it’s how the French (formerly) stayed slim. They don’t forbid any food, but they eat just a little of the splurge food. I’m proud of your efforts, Haley. The good news is that you have the benefit of a youthful metabolism. And muscle is sexy!

    Now that the Reese’s peanut butter eggs are out of the house, temptation is much further removed for me. 🙂

    • N. Lingarow says:

      Thanks Tam! I like that 3 bites rule, I might try that next time. Easter candy was definitely my downfall for a while. Now it’s just people offering me sweets all the time lol XD Must resist the brownies!!

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